Advising & Coaching

Transform mindsets. Deliver results.

Together we’ll transform the way innovation is viewed, measured and delivered in your business.

Where you are in your innovation journey, we’ll help you create value for your business, leaders, teams – and ultimately, your customers.

Person giving a presentation
For Business

Measure and deliver growth at scale

Systematically discover, test and validate solutions and products that will bring growth to your business. This will help to manage and improve what you have, while exploring the future with business model portfolios.

Strategyzer gives the keys to both formalizing the expectations of top management in terms of innovation and the tools to execute the innovation process operationally.
Jonathan Kalfa
Head of Innovation at Bâloise Assurances Luxembourg
For Leaders

Shape and instil a culture of innovation

Define what leadership support, organisational design, and governance structures you need for your business. This will allow you to design a robust and thriving innovation ecosystem.

Team sat around a table
Strategyzer gave us tools that helped create the right conversations between leadership and teams looking for investment for exploratory projects. Having a way to measure the progress was invaluable.”
Bill Hazelton
TD Ameritrade, Transformation Executive
Person using the whiteboard
For teams

Test and master the pathway to innovation

Shape, test and validate your innovation ideas. Learn how to prototype, test and gradually sharpen and de-risk your innovation. This will not only allow you to turn ideas into fully fledged business models, but it will also create alignment and build trust within teams.

case studies

Partnering with Strategyzer, these businesses were able to:


Put your customer front and centre.

Having a set of products that address the changing-needs of customers means that you’ll always be creating substantial value for them. Our methods make sure that the customer is always at the core of what you do.

People clapping
OUR approach

Our canvasses and methods have changed the way people innovate and create businesses

Read our blog
Kill the business plan
Kill the business planKill the business plan
Business Strategy
Innovation Process
Lead innovate and grow with AI and generative AI
Lead innovate and grow with AI and generative AILead innovate and grow with AI and generative AI
Corporate Innovation
Innovating In Uncertain Times
Your first 100 days on the innovation job (and beyond)
Your first 100 days on the innovation job (and beyond)Your first 100 days on the innovation job (and beyond)
Corporate Innovation Management
Ecosystem Assessment
Innovation Culture
Innovation Portfolio
Innovation Readiness
How to speed up innovation
How to speed up innovationHow to speed up innovation
Corporate Innovation Management
Discovery Sprint
Ecosystem Assessment
Innovation Portfolio
The Business Model Canvas
The Business Model CanvasThe Business Model Canvas
Business Model Canvas
Business Models
Pharma challenges and how business model innovation can play a role
Pharma challenges and how business model innovation can play a rolePharma challenges and how business model innovation can play a role
Business Model Innovation
Innovating In Uncertain Times
Product Q&A: The one stop shop to building your own innovation ecosystem
Product Q&A: The one stop shop to building your own innovation ecosystemProduct Q&A: The one stop shop to building your own innovation ecosystem
Business Model Innovation
Corporate Innovation Management
Ecosystem Assessment
Visual Tools
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Guiding you to success
Our team is dedicated to supporting you. We'll train your teams, provide strategic and practical guidance, answer your questions, help you shape your process, guide you through every step, and more.

Our ultimate goal is to help you gain the confidence to do it all on your own, with the certainty you have the right structures in place.
Let's talk
Whether you’re looking for more information or you’re ready to start a project, we’re ready to help.
Thanks for your interest in our solutions. We will be in touch with you soon.