Business model design for 21st century companies — learnings from Taobao, Michelin, and Airbnb

Greg Bernarda
Kurt Bostelaar
September 28, 2017
 min read
Business Models
Business Model Innovation
Value Proposition Design

In this conversation hosted by Kavi Gupta and featuring Greg Bernarda, three remarkable business case studies were examined. The stories of Taobao, Michelin, and Airbnb shed light on the strategies and innovative approaches that have driven their success in the 21st century. Through their unique value propositions and understanding of customer needs, these companies have transformed industries and achieved remarkable growth.

Taobao: building an ecosystem for success

One of the captivating case studies discussed by Greg Bernarda was the story of Taobao, a Chinese e-commerce platform that has achieved remarkable success by focusing on ecosystem building and creating value for its customers.

Taobao's journey began when its founder, Jack Ma, identified a gap in the e-commerce landscape. He recognized that traditional e-commerce platforms were not adequately serving small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and individual sellers. These sellers faced challenges in reaching their target audience and lacked the necessary infrastructure to compete effectively.

To address this gap, Taobao embarked on an ambitious mission to create an ecosystem that would empower sellers and provide a seamless shopping experience for buyers. The platform offered a range of services, including online marketplaces, digital payment solutions, logistics support, and customer engagement tools. This comprehensive ecosystem enabled sellers to establish their online presence, access a large customer base, and manage their businesses efficiently.

The key to Taobao's success lay in its strategic approach to ecosystem management. The platform actively collaborated with partners, including logistics companies, financial institutions, and technology providers, to enhance the value it offered to customers. By forging strong partnerships, Taobao was able to streamline the buying process, facilitate secure transactions, and provide reliable and efficient delivery services.

Furthermore, Taobao recognized the importance of continuously adding value to its ecosystem. The platform encouraged user-generated content, such as product reviews and ratings, to foster trust and facilitate informed purchasing decisions. It also leveraged data analytics to personalize the shopping experience and offer relevant recommendations to users. These initiatives not only enhanced customer satisfaction but also created a virtuous cycle, attracting more sellers and buyers to the platform.

The Taobao story highlights the significance of understanding the ecosystem and creating value within it. By addressing the specific needs of SMEs and individual sellers, Taobao carved out a niche for itself in the competitive e-commerce market. The platform's ecosystem approach, combined with effective partnership management and continuous value addition, propelled Taobao to become a dominant player in the Chinese e-commerce landscape.

The learnings from Taobao's success can be applied to other businesses seeking to build successful ecosystems. Understanding the dynamics of the ecosystem, collaborating with partners to enhance value, and prioritizing continuous innovation are key principles to drive sustainable growth. Taobao's journey demonstrates the transformative power of ecosystem thinking and highlights its significance in the evolving business landscape.

Michelin: The journey to delivering quality and trust

Another fascinating case study shared by Greg Bernarda was the story of Michelin, a renowned tire manufacturing company that has become synonymous with quality, safety, and trust in the automotive industry.

Michelin's journey began over a century ago when André Michelin recognized the need for high-quality, durable tires to meet the growing demand of automobiles. The company was built on a strong foundation of innovation and a commitment to delivering exceptional products.

One of the pivotal moments in Michelin's history came with the introduction of the Michelin Guide. Initially created as a means to promote automobile travel and increase tire sales, the guide evolved into a prestigious publication that reviewed and rated restaurants and hotels. This unexpected expansion into the culinary world showcased Michelin's commitment to excellence and its understanding of the power of trust and reputation.

The Michelin Guide not only provided valuable information to travelers but also served as a symbol of quality. Michelin's anonymous and rigorous inspection process, carried out by a team of expert inspectors, ensured that only the finest establishments received Michelin's coveted star ratings. This commitment to maintaining the highest standards earned Michelin a reputation as a trusted authority in the culinary industry.

Furthermore, Michelin recognized the importance of delivering value beyond just tires. The company understood that ensuring customer safety and satisfaction required more than just manufacturing a product. Michelin invested in research and development to create innovative tire technologies that enhanced performance, durability, and fuel efficiency. They also developed comprehensive tire services, such as tire maintenance and support, to provide customers with a complete solution.

Michelin's success story highlights the power of building trust and delivering value beyond the core product. By expanding into the culinary industry and establishing the Michelin Guide, Michelin not only enhanced its brand reputation but also created a unique differentiation. The company's tire technologies and comprehensive services further solidified its position as a trusted partner for both car manufacturers and consumers.

The learnings from Michelin's journey can be applied to businesses in any industry. Building trust, maintaining high standards, and constantly innovating to exceed customer expectations are key principles to drive long-term success. Michelin's story showcases the importance of understanding customer needs, diversifying offerings, and leveraging reputation to expand into new markets.

In conclusion, Michelin's commitment to quality, trust, and innovation has made it a global leader in the automotive industry. The company's journey serves as an inspiration for businesses aiming to establish themselves as trusted authorities in their respective domains. Michelin's focus on delivering value and exceeding customer expectations continues to drive its success and reinforces the importance of building enduring customer relationships.

Airbnb: Revolutionizing the hospitality industry through shared experiences

Greg Bernarda also shared the inspiring story of Airbnb, a company that has disrupted the traditional hospitality industry and transformed the way people travel and experience new places.

Airbnb was founded in 2008 by Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk, three friends who identified an opportunity to create a new kind of accommodation platform. Initially, they started with a simple idea of renting out air mattresses in their San Francisco apartment to provide affordable lodging during a conference. This humble beginning laid the foundation for what would become a global phenomenon.

The founders recognized that there was an untapped market for unique and authentic travel experiences. They saw the potential in connecting travelers with local hosts who could provide not just a place to stay but also local insights and personal recommendations. This concept of "belonging anywhere" became the core value proposition of Airbnb.

Through a combination of innovative technology, a user-friendly platform, and a strong focus on building a trusted community, Airbnb quickly gained momentum. Hosts could list their spare rooms, apartments, or even unique properties like treehouses or castles, while travelers had access to a vast range of accommodations that offered a more personal and immersive experience than traditional hotels.

To establish trust and ensure the safety of both hosts and guests, Airbnb implemented several measures. The company introduced a verified profile system, which required users to provide identification and establish their credibility. They also implemented a robust review system, enabling guests to share their experiences and helping future travelers make informed decisions.

As Airbnb grew, the company faced various challenges and criticisms. Regulatory hurdles, concerns over safety and liability, and issues related to property damage and unauthorized parties were among the key issues that Airbnb had to address. However, the company demonstrated resilience and adaptability by working closely with regulators, implementing stricter policies, and introducing new features to enhance safety and security.

Furthermore, Airbnb expanded its offerings beyond accommodations. They launched Airbnb Experiences, which allowed hosts to offer unique activities and immersive experiences to travelers. This diversification enabled Airbnb to create a more comprehensive and memorable travel ecosystem.

The success of Airbnb can be attributed to its ability to tap into the growing desire for authentic and personalized travel experiences. By leveraging the power of the sharing economy and fostering a sense of community, Airbnb revolutionized the way people travel, fostering cultural exchange and creating a global network of hosts and guests.

The learnings from Airbnb's story are invaluable for businesses looking to disrupt traditional industries. Understanding and addressing unmet customer needs, leveraging technology to create seamless user experiences, and building a trusted community are key factors that contributed to Airbnb's success.

In conclusion, Airbnb's journey is a testament to the transformative power of innovation and the sharing economy. By reimagining the hospitality industry and connecting people in meaningful ways, Airbnb has created a global platform that transcends traditional boundaries. The company's commitment to providing unique experiences and building trust has established Airbnb as a leading player in the travel industry, inspiring countless entrepreneurs to think outside the box and redefine their respective industries.

Greg concluded his presentation by highlighting the importance of strategic thinking, ecosystem management, servitization, and understanding higher-order customer needs for building successful 21st-century business models. The case studies of Taobao, Michelin, and Airbnb demonstrated how these principles have been effectively employed to create innovative value propositions and achieve long-term success. The speaker emphasized the iterative nature of business model development, encouraging companies to embrace trial and error, experimentation, and customer feedback to refine and improve their strategies over time.

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Q&A session: insights and discussion

During the Q&A session that followed Greg Bernarda's presentation, the audience engaged in a thought-provoking discussion about the stories of Taobao, Michelin, and Airbnb. The questions raised shed light on various aspects of disruption, innovation, and the future of business. Here are some of the key questions and the insightful responses provided by the speaker:

Question 1: "How did Taobao overcome the initial skepticism and build trust among its users?"

Greg Bernarda explained that Taobao faced significant challenges in gaining trust, particularly in a market where counterfeit products were prevalent. He highlighted how Taobao addressed this issue by implementing strict regulations, user reviews, and ratings. By providing a safe and transparent platform for buyers and sellers, Taobao gradually built trust over time. Greg emphasized that trust-building is a continuous process, and businesses must consistently invest in maintaining transparency and ensuring the quality of their offerings.

Question 2: "In the Michelin story, how did the company handle the resistance from established restaurants that weren't featured in their guidebooks?"

In response to this question, Greg highlighted Michelin's approach of focusing on quality rather than popularity. He explained that the company aimed to showcase exceptional dining experiences, irrespective of their mainstream appeal. While some established restaurants initially resisted Michelin's guidebooks, the company's commitment to unbiased evaluations and recognition of culinary excellence gradually won over skeptics. Greg emphasized the importance of staying true to one's value proposition and not succumbing to industry pressure, as long as it aligns with the company's vision and customer expectations.

Question 3: "With the rise of online travel agencies and other competitors, how did Airbnb maintain its position as a market leader?"

Greg acknowledged that the rise of competitors in the online travel industry posed a challenge to Airbnb. He highlighted that the company's success was rooted in its ability to create a sense of community and trust among its users. Through features like user reviews, host verifications, and stringent safety measures, Airbnb differentiated itself as a reliable platform for both hosts and guests. Additionally, Airbnb continually innovated by introducing new features and expanding its offerings to cater to diverse travel preferences. Greg stressed that sustaining a market leadership position requires continuous adaptation and an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction.

Question 4: "What are the key skills and qualities that leaders need to foster innovation within their organizations?"

In response to this question, Greg emphasized the importance of leaders cultivating a culture of experimentation, curiosity, and open-mindedness within their organizations. He highlighted the need for leaders to encourage diverse perspectives, embrace failure as a learning opportunity, and create an environment that fosters collaboration and creativity. Greg also emphasized the role of empathy in understanding customer needs and developing innovative solutions. He encouraged leaders to actively listen to their teams and customers, enabling them to uncover unmet needs and drive meaningful innovation.

About the speakers

Greg Bernarda
Author, Speaker, Advisor

Greg Bernarda works with individuals, teams and organizations on re-inventing what they do. He borrows from the fields of leadership, psychology, innovation, and design to create programmes for executives to expand mindsets and create the business models that bring positive change to their stakeholders and to themselves. Greg’s clients range across sectors and geographies. They include among others: Alibaba, Baxter, Colgate-Palmolive, Danone, Harvard and IMD Business Schools, Mastercard, Michelin, Nestlé, Singapore's NTUC Social Enterprises, Pekin University, Richemont, Roche, Tencent, Volkswagen, and the World Economic Forum.

Kurt Bostelaar
Greg Bernarda
Kurt Bostelaar
September 28, 2017

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Business model design for 21st century companies — learnings from Taobao, Michelin, and Airbnb

Business model design for 21st century companies — learnings from Taobao, Michelin, and Airbnb

Business model design for 21st century companies — learnings from Taobao, Michelin, and Airbnb

Business model design for 21st century companies — learnings from Taobao, Michelin, and Airbnb

September 28, 2017
 min read
Business Models
Business Model Innovation
Value Proposition Design

In this conversation hosted by Kavi Gupta and featuring Greg Bernarda, three remarkable business case studies were examined. The stories of Taobao, Michelin, and Airbnb shed light on the strategies and innovative approaches that have driven their success in the 21st century. Through their unique value propositions and understanding of customer needs, these companies have transformed industries and achieved remarkable growth.

Taobao: building an ecosystem for success

One of the captivating case studies discussed by Greg Bernarda was the story of Taobao, a Chinese e-commerce platform that has achieved remarkable success by focusing on ecosystem building and creating value for its customers.

Taobao's journey began when its founder, Jack Ma, identified a gap in the e-commerce landscape. He recognized that traditional e-commerce platforms were not adequately serving small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and individual sellers. These sellers faced challenges in reaching their target audience and lacked the necessary infrastructure to compete effectively.

To address this gap, Taobao embarked on an ambitious mission to create an ecosystem that would empower sellers and provide a seamless shopping experience for buyers. The platform offered a range of services, including online marketplaces, digital payment solutions, logistics support, and customer engagement tools. This comprehensive ecosystem enabled sellers to establish their online presence, access a large customer base, and manage their businesses efficiently.

The key to Taobao's success lay in its strategic approach to ecosystem management. The platform actively collaborated with partners, including logistics companies, financial institutions, and technology providers, to enhance the value it offered to customers. By forging strong partnerships, Taobao was able to streamline the buying process, facilitate secure transactions, and provide reliable and efficient delivery services.

Furthermore, Taobao recognized the importance of continuously adding value to its ecosystem. The platform encouraged user-generated content, such as product reviews and ratings, to foster trust and facilitate informed purchasing decisions. It also leveraged data analytics to personalize the shopping experience and offer relevant recommendations to users. These initiatives not only enhanced customer satisfaction but also created a virtuous cycle, attracting more sellers and buyers to the platform.

The Taobao story highlights the significance of understanding the ecosystem and creating value within it. By addressing the specific needs of SMEs and individual sellers, Taobao carved out a niche for itself in the competitive e-commerce market. The platform's ecosystem approach, combined with effective partnership management and continuous value addition, propelled Taobao to become a dominant player in the Chinese e-commerce landscape.

The learnings from Taobao's success can be applied to other businesses seeking to build successful ecosystems. Understanding the dynamics of the ecosystem, collaborating with partners to enhance value, and prioritizing continuous innovation are key principles to drive sustainable growth. Taobao's journey demonstrates the transformative power of ecosystem thinking and highlights its significance in the evolving business landscape.

Michelin: The journey to delivering quality and trust

Another fascinating case study shared by Greg Bernarda was the story of Michelin, a renowned tire manufacturing company that has become synonymous with quality, safety, and trust in the automotive industry.

Michelin's journey began over a century ago when André Michelin recognized the need for high-quality, durable tires to meet the growing demand of automobiles. The company was built on a strong foundation of innovation and a commitment to delivering exceptional products.

One of the pivotal moments in Michelin's history came with the introduction of the Michelin Guide. Initially created as a means to promote automobile travel and increase tire sales, the guide evolved into a prestigious publication that reviewed and rated restaurants and hotels. This unexpected expansion into the culinary world showcased Michelin's commitment to excellence and its understanding of the power of trust and reputation.

The Michelin Guide not only provided valuable information to travelers but also served as a symbol of quality. Michelin's anonymous and rigorous inspection process, carried out by a team of expert inspectors, ensured that only the finest establishments received Michelin's coveted star ratings. This commitment to maintaining the highest standards earned Michelin a reputation as a trusted authority in the culinary industry.

Furthermore, Michelin recognized the importance of delivering value beyond just tires. The company understood that ensuring customer safety and satisfaction required more than just manufacturing a product. Michelin invested in research and development to create innovative tire technologies that enhanced performance, durability, and fuel efficiency. They also developed comprehensive tire services, such as tire maintenance and support, to provide customers with a complete solution.

Michelin's success story highlights the power of building trust and delivering value beyond the core product. By expanding into the culinary industry and establishing the Michelin Guide, Michelin not only enhanced its brand reputation but also created a unique differentiation. The company's tire technologies and comprehensive services further solidified its position as a trusted partner for both car manufacturers and consumers.

The learnings from Michelin's journey can be applied to businesses in any industry. Building trust, maintaining high standards, and constantly innovating to exceed customer expectations are key principles to drive long-term success. Michelin's story showcases the importance of understanding customer needs, diversifying offerings, and leveraging reputation to expand into new markets.

In conclusion, Michelin's commitment to quality, trust, and innovation has made it a global leader in the automotive industry. The company's journey serves as an inspiration for businesses aiming to establish themselves as trusted authorities in their respective domains. Michelin's focus on delivering value and exceeding customer expectations continues to drive its success and reinforces the importance of building enduring customer relationships.

Airbnb: Revolutionizing the hospitality industry through shared experiences

Greg Bernarda also shared the inspiring story of Airbnb, a company that has disrupted the traditional hospitality industry and transformed the way people travel and experience new places.

Airbnb was founded in 2008 by Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk, three friends who identified an opportunity to create a new kind of accommodation platform. Initially, they started with a simple idea of renting out air mattresses in their San Francisco apartment to provide affordable lodging during a conference. This humble beginning laid the foundation for what would become a global phenomenon.

The founders recognized that there was an untapped market for unique and authentic travel experiences. They saw the potential in connecting travelers with local hosts who could provide not just a place to stay but also local insights and personal recommendations. This concept of "belonging anywhere" became the core value proposition of Airbnb.

Through a combination of innovative technology, a user-friendly platform, and a strong focus on building a trusted community, Airbnb quickly gained momentum. Hosts could list their spare rooms, apartments, or even unique properties like treehouses or castles, while travelers had access to a vast range of accommodations that offered a more personal and immersive experience than traditional hotels.

To establish trust and ensure the safety of both hosts and guests, Airbnb implemented several measures. The company introduced a verified profile system, which required users to provide identification and establish their credibility. They also implemented a robust review system, enabling guests to share their experiences and helping future travelers make informed decisions.

As Airbnb grew, the company faced various challenges and criticisms. Regulatory hurdles, concerns over safety and liability, and issues related to property damage and unauthorized parties were among the key issues that Airbnb had to address. However, the company demonstrated resilience and adaptability by working closely with regulators, implementing stricter policies, and introducing new features to enhance safety and security.

Furthermore, Airbnb expanded its offerings beyond accommodations. They launched Airbnb Experiences, which allowed hosts to offer unique activities and immersive experiences to travelers. This diversification enabled Airbnb to create a more comprehensive and memorable travel ecosystem.

The success of Airbnb can be attributed to its ability to tap into the growing desire for authentic and personalized travel experiences. By leveraging the power of the sharing economy and fostering a sense of community, Airbnb revolutionized the way people travel, fostering cultural exchange and creating a global network of hosts and guests.

The learnings from Airbnb's story are invaluable for businesses looking to disrupt traditional industries. Understanding and addressing unmet customer needs, leveraging technology to create seamless user experiences, and building a trusted community are key factors that contributed to Airbnb's success.

In conclusion, Airbnb's journey is a testament to the transformative power of innovation and the sharing economy. By reimagining the hospitality industry and connecting people in meaningful ways, Airbnb has created a global platform that transcends traditional boundaries. The company's commitment to providing unique experiences and building trust has established Airbnb as a leading player in the travel industry, inspiring countless entrepreneurs to think outside the box and redefine their respective industries.

Greg concluded his presentation by highlighting the importance of strategic thinking, ecosystem management, servitization, and understanding higher-order customer needs for building successful 21st-century business models. The case studies of Taobao, Michelin, and Airbnb demonstrated how these principles have been effectively employed to create innovative value propositions and achieve long-term success. The speaker emphasized the iterative nature of business model development, encouraging companies to embrace trial and error, experimentation, and customer feedback to refine and improve their strategies over time.

Q&A session: insights and discussion

During the Q&A session that followed Greg Bernarda's presentation, the audience engaged in a thought-provoking discussion about the stories of Taobao, Michelin, and Airbnb. The questions raised shed light on various aspects of disruption, innovation, and the future of business. Here are some of the key questions and the insightful responses provided by the speaker:

Question 1: "How did Taobao overcome the initial skepticism and build trust among its users?"

Greg Bernarda explained that Taobao faced significant challenges in gaining trust, particularly in a market where counterfeit products were prevalent. He highlighted how Taobao addressed this issue by implementing strict regulations, user reviews, and ratings. By providing a safe and transparent platform for buyers and sellers, Taobao gradually built trust over time. Greg emphasized that trust-building is a continuous process, and businesses must consistently invest in maintaining transparency and ensuring the quality of their offerings.

Question 2: "In the Michelin story, how did the company handle the resistance from established restaurants that weren't featured in their guidebooks?"

In response to this question, Greg highlighted Michelin's approach of focusing on quality rather than popularity. He explained that the company aimed to showcase exceptional dining experiences, irrespective of their mainstream appeal. While some established restaurants initially resisted Michelin's guidebooks, the company's commitment to unbiased evaluations and recognition of culinary excellence gradually won over skeptics. Greg emphasized the importance of staying true to one's value proposition and not succumbing to industry pressure, as long as it aligns with the company's vision and customer expectations.

Question 3: "With the rise of online travel agencies and other competitors, how did Airbnb maintain its position as a market leader?"

Greg acknowledged that the rise of competitors in the online travel industry posed a challenge to Airbnb. He highlighted that the company's success was rooted in its ability to create a sense of community and trust among its users. Through features like user reviews, host verifications, and stringent safety measures, Airbnb differentiated itself as a reliable platform for both hosts and guests. Additionally, Airbnb continually innovated by introducing new features and expanding its offerings to cater to diverse travel preferences. Greg stressed that sustaining a market leadership position requires continuous adaptation and an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction.

Question 4: "What are the key skills and qualities that leaders need to foster innovation within their organizations?"

In response to this question, Greg emphasized the importance of leaders cultivating a culture of experimentation, curiosity, and open-mindedness within their organizations. He highlighted the need for leaders to encourage diverse perspectives, embrace failure as a learning opportunity, and create an environment that fosters collaboration and creativity. Greg also emphasized the role of empathy in understanding customer needs and developing innovative solutions. He encouraged leaders to actively listen to their teams and customers, enabling them to uncover unmet needs and drive meaningful innovation.

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Business model design for 21st century companies — learnings from Taobao, Michelin, and Airbnb

In this conversation hosted by Kavi Gupta and featuring Greg Bernarda, three remarkable business case studies were examined. The stories of Taobao, Michelin, and Airbnb shed light on the strategies and innovative approaches that have driven their success in the 21st century. Through their unique value propositions and understanding of customer needs, these companies have transformed industries and achieved remarkable growth.

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Business model design for 21st century companies — learnings from Taobao, Michelin, and Airbnb
Business model design for 21st century companies — learnings from Taobao, Michelin, and Airbnb

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