I want to start off by simply saying thank you. Thank you to our supporters who promote the use of our tools within their organizations to colleagues and bosses. Because of you, we’ve seen a fascinating evolution of who applies the tools and methodologies--from startups and entrepreneurs, to academics, to large companies like Mastercard who have trained roughly 10% of their workforce on our tools.
We’re only standing here today because so many of you believed in us, bought our books, and applied the tools. You took on career risks to implement our tools inside your organization even when you knew it wouldn’t be an easy thing to do.
You’ve also collaborated with us along the way. The mainstream adoption of the Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Design started with the 470 people whose names are printed in Business Model Generation. So thank you for also giving us feedback; for participating in the conversation, and helping us get better at what we do.
The Thinkers50 ranking is considered by the Financial Times to be the “Oscars of Management Thinking”. And of the 12 new entrants to this list, Yves and I are proud to stand next to thinkers like Eric Ries (#12), Steve Blank (#20), and Rita McGrath (#9). I truly believe that together we represent a dynamic, new wave of strategic thinking where companies need to be agile and reinvent themselves constantly.
We are flattered to receive this recognition and award. But what really motivates Yves and I is impact. Can we make a difference in the way people work? How can we help them? That’s number 1 for us.
This has been a 15 year journey for Yves and myself, a 6 year journey with my co-founder Alan Smith, and a 5 year journey with our talented team at Strategyzer.
I look forward to having you join me as we continue our mission to help people build better companies.